Nasir Aziz

We all know what happened in Tunis a couple of weeks ago and what is currently brewing in Egypt against Hosni Mubarak’s regime and a gathering storm around other Arab countries at the time of this writing. It appears that they have now realized their stature and place in this world after being continuously oppressed and ruled by manufactured monarchs right after the fall of colonialism(s) around World War II. The receding colonial forces were successful in creating proxy leaderships under their thumb to either transition these previous colonies and newly carved nations into loosely formulated governing systems or possibly to control them, depending on what resources they possessed under their feet. This however is a general consent but I will treat it as a (conspiracy) theory that comes to light time and over by the ones who claimed to have been the victims. No matter what happened, let bygones be bygones and let’s try to move on as dwelling in the past and blaming others doesn’t really help solve todays problems.

Fast forward to 2011; this is a whole new world. Geographically, geo-politically, technologically and most importantly the way we communicate with each other. Internet that enabled virtual social interactions via various Social Media platforms has really taken down the walls among the people around the world. People who have access to Internet have willingly or not communicated with people across borders, nations and religions and learned a quite a lot about each other, gained firsthand information about each other’s host nations and systems they live in. There really are no iron curtains anymore. The governments have lost control over communications for the most part on daily basis. Millions of personal exchanges among people occur in real-time. Although the trends in communications can be measured but for that you have to have a very savvy and resourceful ministries working to that end. The point is that this whole planet and its people are less of a mystery to each other now.

With Internet people have become more and more aware of the globe, its history, politics and everything else revolving around that. And the ones who feel oppressed or marginalized have realized the unfair treatment they have been receiving by their rulers.

Now let’s focus on Pakistan under this context:

First of all Prime Minister Gilani was quick to dismiss the notion by US Vice President Joe Biden that the wave of uprising in middle-east may reach Pakistan. Gilani stressed that Pakistan is a functional democracy and is not in any economic crisis and is plowing through political process just fine. Now just this statement and his reaction says a lot about either how disconnected he is with reality or is a flat out liar. One thing he forgets that what is happening in Tunis, Egypt or for that matter in any other Arab country is really not about democracy. People there seem not to care much about that. What they really are asking for is CHANGE, from the stagnant political system, nepotistic and repeated leadership, lack of vision and no hopeful future in sight. Sounds familiar? People are asking for fair treatment, better jobs, and better access to wealth, education, security and future of their children. Democracy is not even a slogan here, nor the anti-American sentiment in both the countries. Democracy will end up being a by-product of this uprising against the authoritarian leadership – yep, a by-product!

What really impressed me from watching Egyptian protesters was their civil obligation to their country. They were calm, knowing what they were doing, were being respectful to their Army personnel, defending their own neighborhoods when police forces had become ineffective, and most of all they were cleaning their own streets as volunteers after the protests and skirmishes! I saw this interview on CNN where an Egyptian volunteer girl was sweeping the streets with her fellow male Egyptians. Reporter asked her a few questions, the one that grabbed my attention was where she said I am doing this as a volunteer, and then the reporter asked why? To that she smiled and responded: “This is my country, no other reason”. The point I am driving home here is that it takes good civil sense, love for your country and knowing what you want to be effective in the CHANGE you desire. Now can we generally say this about Pakistan and Pakistanis?

Also the uprising in Egypt; and the same could be said about Tunis is that their demands are more secularist in nature. They are not asking for Islamic government, nor are they asking for Sharia law. They are demanding for basic needs; job opportunities, industrialization, clean water, electricity, fair access to education and a true representation of themselves in the new government by the people who understand the problems and are capable of addressing them. Things that matter which will help improve their quality of lives and the ability to take control of their dignity. They want all that to be within their power rather than in the hands of dictators or authoritarian personalities. Also what I noticed more and more that how the protesters didn’t have beards nor “Islamic” style attire – they were all Egyptians: Muslims, Christians, men, women, children. They all want the same thing and they are all adamant about CHANGE.

Now let’s see how this works in Pakistan:

In Pakistan the loudest of the bunch are more focused on non-issues. Let’s take the blasphemy law for example. First of all they don’t realize talking about it, changing it, and protesting against it doesn’t address the social, security, food, energy, terrorism and myriad of other immediate problems the country is facing. Never mind the Creator of this universe, a universe so huge that this planet is not even a speck of dirt in scheme of things and then we humans who don’t even account for anything at all in this unfathomable extent of it. Yet the Creator is concerned about who defames and disrespects His Prophet? Really? I think not. Plus it almost sounds like people are taking His matters into their own hands thus committing “shirk” (blasphemy) on their own. Don’t they know that the ultimate judgment sits with Him and not us, as is mentioned in the Quran? Then why the fuss? And how does this help the religious cause, if there is any? God will sort them out, let’s worry about ourselves. We are not the gods, nor the pharaohs, nor the creators and nor have been offered any authority to judge and punish the ones we disagree with. Pakistan principally was to be a secular state that respected all religions, minorities and ethnicities. Whether you are a Sunni, Shia, Qadiani, Ismaili, Ahmedi, Hindu, Christian, or an Atheist, they are all personal beliefs and should stay as such and not to be imposed on others. After all He is the Ultimate judge. Wasn’t this the argument for a two nation theory? Flawed or not, that was the essence. And the founder of Pakistan Jinnah was far from religion yet was concerned about the religious freedoms of the people of subcontinent. Are we the new Hindu Brahmans masquerading as Pakistani Muslims, doing the same things we wanted to get rid of? As long as we are Pakistani, that is all what should matter. Why marginalize and subdivide ourselves on ethnic, linguistic, religious, and status lines? Who is our enemy now? Do we even need any external enemies when we are our own enemies? I think not!

Pakistanis, especially the religious right must realize that we are not the “beacon” or defenders of Islam. We have nothing to offer to Islam nor its followers around the world as it is, we barely can sustain ourselves. We are morally bankrupt and intolerant for that reason; these factors do not create the basis of leadership of any type, let alone a global or regional influence. We have not invented anything that helps us, let alone humanity. We have not created anything that we can be proud of. We have to get our house in order before we can start making any claims which today are distorted and misguided. We blame everything on everyone else, we are never wrong. We have no flaws and we can do no wrong. I categorize this mental state of mind as lunatic and out right crazy! Self-reflection and accepting our faults, whether from the past or now will clear our heads to enable ourselves for the real CHANGE! There is no harm in starting from scratch after realizing our weaknesses and inner faults.

Now let’s get back to the point where Gilani and the incumbents assume Pakistan is no comparison to Tunis or Egypt. If you ask me honestly we are worse off and need of the hour is exactly what is happening in Egypt especially. We are a few years too late already. This is fault of our own, we pick the leaders, we chose not to challenge or question them, we enable the Pakistan Army to intervene time and time again, and we don’t do anything! We are zombies living in the lala land. Now the only thing that Egyptians and others were and are lacking is leadership during and after revolt and uprising. Since the anger and frustrations boiled over and resulted in spontaneous reaction, that left them without coherent plan and a leadership void. Even the Muslim Brotherhood, currently reformed but not short of violent and suspicious past, are also standing side by side for the people’s needs and demands. They may be the only ones who are well organized to take that role but generally is not desired by the Egyptians themselves. Muslim Brotherhood realizes their status and reputation and is not stirring the pot much, as they are witnessing the people power on the streets and against a powerful regime. That is a lesson enough for them to not make claims to authority under the circumstances. So far so that they are even supporting Mohammad ElBaradei, a secular international figure of Nobel Prize and IAEA fame. People of Egypt realize even ElBaradei is not up-to-speed on Egyptian problems but to fill that void they have no choice but to pick a face for their demands and he seems most qualified at the moment. I would consider him opportunist by accident. He didn’t cause the revolt, he didn’t create the blue print for the revolt, he may not even have the proper vision for Egypt yet, in spite of all that people have some faith in him, at least he understands more on global level and have leadership skills in this area.

Now this begs the question of lack of leadership in Pakistan. Our continuous “rinse, lather, repeat” recycled leaderships create that void within our society. Comes the day when a similar revolt erupts in Pakistan, who is the one going to take the bull by the horns? And I say that by excluding all the past and current political leaders, feudalists, elitists, bureaucrats and their off springs; they will not be the choice by default. I am optimistic however. I am very sure that there is someone somewhere out there writing up a plan, organizing on grass roots level, putting the teams together, reviewing the constitution, identifying and addressing the problems, sharing and solidifying the vision, thinking about all of the Pakistanis beyond any lines of divide, creating a coherent group of loose likeminded organizations, is either in Pakistan or outside. The end goal is CHANGE, prosperous future, national dignity, a true sovereignty void of foreign debts, influences; an indigenous industrial and technological self-sufficiency. Beggars cannot be choosers or sovereign. I always remember that.

Is it you? Or is it me? I know it’s one of us… It’s a matter of when, not IF. If is not an option anymore!

Stay optimistic, articulate your thoughts and find the under currents in your surroundings. Persistence will prevail and we will have a new Pakistan, from scratch! I have a very strong gut feeling that this current system and leadership will be irrelevant soon, count on it and have faith. You will be surprised to find out that you are not alone in your thoughts; you are surrounded by people who share your vision. Reach out and start talking. You never know what you will stumble upon. And while at it always remember your civil responsibility and your ownership of Pakistan. Before you take back your country, burning it before hand is what you will inherit, its infrastructure, its roads, its buildings, its people; it’s all you and yours – when the time comes, revolt and rise up in a responsible fashion.

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Thank you

Al-Qaeda doesn’t exist?

December 28, 2009

In lieu of what is happening in Pakistan these days and somewhat of a  parallel scenario towards fabricated front organizations by special interest groups or organizations, this video by BBC is a good refresher. Watch it and then ponder what is happening in Pakistan and how the fabricated splinter groups claim responsibilities for attacks within Pakistan and its neighbours to shape the decisions and policies.

Also it appears that Al-Qaeda has moved its base to Yemen now, lets see what transpires there eventually? Is Saudi Arabia the next target for chaos? Is KSA under threat from its own people and a new strategy is being hatched to silence its “poor” people yet again in order to maintain the status quo?

From Afghainstan to Iraq to Pakistan and now in Yemen!

You can draw a lot of similiarities to TTP (Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan), the “Pakistani Taliban”. Just watch it and make your own opinion:

It’s about time that the people of Pakistan realized that the current government is not working in the interests of Pakistan and its sovereignty. Ongoing terror attacks, blame game, politicking, and no comprehensive strategy to curb this downward spiral that the country is going through is making Pakistanis really nervous and sick and tired of the situation. Not to mention the on-going inflation, price hikes in just about every item that you can buy and hoarding of wheat, sugar and what not by the traders is not helping a common man there.

This increasing instability and Pakistan being labeled as a failed state is not fair to its hardworking people who definitely do not deserve this. If anything we have to blame ourselves for letting this Zardari government and its minions run the state’s affairs and compromising Pakistan’s sovereignty on daily basis. They have definitely been not shy about taking orders from the US government and at times encouraging that to save their powers and special privileges that they enjoy at the moment.

If the drone attacks are helping the country then please convey it to the people of Pakistan. If the government has allowed the use of drones to attack inside the Tribal Belt of Pakistan then say so. Pakistani people are not stupid or idiots that you have to hide your arrangements with the foreign powers. If it helps the country and you have a case, please do tell rather than making fake statements in the media against the drone attacks and then letting it happen. Its increasingly making the government look like patsies and untrustworthy. Plus special arrangements with the US Army and other forces is not a bad idea if it really helps fix our militant and terrorism problem. It just needs to be conveyed and the people have to be taken into confidence. Rather our sitting government resorts to stupid and failed methods in conveying their weaknesses and problems. Let’s admit it and make an effort to fix it as a nation. But NO, that is too much to ask for I suppose.

The PPP Government, especially its “officers” who have hijacked the party think it’s still the 70’s where they can lie to its people and get away with it. This is NOT the 70’s. With open communications and web technologies utilizing social media nothing is hidden anymore. Every step of theirs is reported and displayed to the world as it happens.

I am not against or for any party but for the record Pakistan has shown better position under military rule sadly enough. It’s because our “leaders” have failed in their jobs and have consistently throughout the history displayed self-interest while increasingly compromising Pakistan’s sovereignty. Military rule is definitely not a good option for us but that needs to be proven by our stupid leaders. A civilian government which enjoys the military support and if both the parties can agree on the stated agenda and mandate will prove to be good enough for starters. It doesn’t matter what party or party alliance sits or runs the government.

For now due to obvious horrible track record of the incumbent government of Zardari, it is clear that things are not headed in the right direction. As mentioned above the on-going problems demand for immediate resignation of “President” Zardari and his minions in the government including Pakistan ambassador to the US Husain Haqqani, and interior dumb minister Rehman Malik. These people have done more damage to the country than good. As they say the leaders of the country are a true reflection of the nation, if we were to prove that then we must realize that these people do not represent us and nor are a reflection of us.


Nasir Aziz

Nazir Naji, a very senior and “respected” journalist in disguise shows his true colors. This SOB is thrashing and threatening a junior investigative journalist in a very insulting and unprofessional manner. This is in URDU. People who worship this journalist, please get familiar with him:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Is this how a senior journalist suppose to respond with such language? The junior journalist shows good professionalism while staying calm through Nazir Naji’s abusive insults. My goal is to expose all these bastards one by one who are fooling my country and its people.

My question to Nazir Naji is that if he was a junior journalist, wouldn’t he have not posed questions to subjects for investigative stories? Naji acts as if he is a god and demands respect from a junior person – just like how the feudal policticians in Pakistan behave. Is this how he is setting example for the new journalists to come? Since he himself is a journalist he should have known better how this works and should have stayed in his senses – if he has any left.

Naji is a sell-out journalist who is not used to this new wave of how things work. He doesn’t realize that every one is a journalist these days leaving him with no monopoly over this anymore. Blogs and other consumer generated media exist just for that very reason, reasons and technology that Naji has no clue about or has control over. He was and still is a lapdog for feudal politicians of Pakistan who feed him bones while he wags to his masters by writing in their favor and anyone who paid him a dollar – no matter who! The way he is bashing the journalist is probably how he was treated in the past and now he is taking it out on this poor guy.

Please send emails and tell him how you feel about his outbursts. He deserves no respect and needs to be taught a lesson soon.

While the military operation against the barbaric Taliban animals is in full swing in Swat Valley, the migration of locals is taking a toll on the government and the people effected by this necessary and hopefully the final decisive operation. Temporary migration of these people is important for the safety of locals while reducing the potentially unfortunate collateral damage. The ones who need to be destroyed and killed are the Talibans, that must go on till the end.

I personally am requesting all the able Pakistanis living in Pakistan or abroad to fully support the Swati people who are being effected with this necessary operation. Also I request that we fully support the Pakistan Armed Forces and stand by them to help achieve this gruesome task that we face as a nation. Lets not dwell in the past, lets just remove our differences and move forward as one.

For now we shall support these displaced people to help them go through this tough times they are going through by helping them in any way we can, monetarily, camps, supplies, medicines, volunteering and whatever else is necessary. Whoever is involved with these crisis as a volunteer or through any connection, please identify to us the areas we can help in, like NGOs, organizations (secular), etc who are taking part in direct support. Please leave comments with as much information as you can by properly identifying the requested information.

Also the next phase of support will be rebuilding and rehabilitation of displaced Swat people. I’d personally like to know the plans and how can we all contribute? Also for the moment I am willing to extend as much help in any way even beyond my means. I remember how Pakistanis rose up after the Earthquake of October 2005, hopefully the same happens this time again.

Thank you…

APPEND: Chowrangi has a good list of ways you can help:

I was watching this GEO TV show “Meray Mutabik” hosted by “Dr.” Shahid Masood regarding Swat problem, Zardari visit to the US and interview with Imran Khan, leader of Tehreek-e-Insaf Pakistan.

First of I hate it when Shahid Masood asks the question that if Americans are happy with the Swat operation? What in the HELL is he talking about? And he was not even being sarcastic, he meant what he was saying – idiot! This is our problem, our issue and we will take care of it – why do you have to bring Americans and other parties into this? Stupid characters like him confuse the already confused people. What an ass he is! Talibans are terrorizing the locals and acting like animals, is that not so visible to this stupid person?

Imran Khan is yet another disappointment. He plays the fear factor and moans and bitches about the government policies, regardless of the government. He is comparing the Swat operation with Hitler’s Third Reich fear factor – come on man, we know the history also – there is no comparison here! Plus we are not afraid of Taliban, just frustrated because we don’t agree with their ugly beliefs and do not want them around anymore – their atrocities are real and can be seen for real, so do not tell us that the fear is being manufactured. Although the western fears that they are capable of taking over Pakistan and its nukes are definitely far fetched – a discussion for another day.

Imran complains a lot without offering any solutions. He says that locals in Swat are being effected with this operation – not shit Sherlock! We already know that! They were suffering and were being terrorized by the Talibans but NO, he doesn’t mention that conveniently. Where was he when Talibans were butchering the local people and acting like animals? I would like to hear his proposal to address this problem? Or is he oblivious to all this? Also he blames everything on US and others for Pakistan’s problems. We may have some issues there, not saying there is no involvement at all, but lets hear some solutions man!? Quit talking about it, do something instead! I find his thoughts a bit irresponsible. Dr. Shireen Mazari, can you help this fellow a bit? Imran was better off as a world class cricketer, this is not working out well for him. He may mean well but he comes across as a bit naive.

Just to be fair, his remarks and concerns regarding Baluchistan have weight. We can not ignore what’s happening there and hopefully there is some plan to crush the source and their anti-state insurgent elements. Its a complex issue beyond the scope of this writing.

One thing we need to realize is that the Afghan war has long spilled over into Pakistan and all the garbage a.k.a Taliban has ended up in my country. This has become our war, lets not discuss its ownership anymore. Its in front of us – we need to fight it back and push the garbage back over to Afghanistan and let the Americans and their war sort them out over there. Ideally all the Talibans need to be killed beyond recognition but I do not want even their ugly dead bodies in my country. They need to be shipped out to Afghanistan and need to be killed there. America, you are so mighty and powerful, we will send you your shooting targets back into Afghanistan – where you are waging your war. Can you handle that without blaming Pakistan as terror central? You are not in Afghanistan to grow poppy right? Sort these bastards out and do us both a favor! Now we want you to DO MORE!

[NOTE: There are several versions of Taliban, the good, the bad and the ugly. The ones in Swat are the Ugly ones with outside support. Google it.]

A few days ago I wrote about Secularibans , a wishful thinking on my part that the recent Taliban activity within Pakistan ought to wake up its sensible voices and get them out on the streets making their views be heard. Also a rebuttal to Hillary Clinton when she pretty much eluded that Pakistanis are not worried about the Taliban problem in Pakistan and are not willing to do something about it. Not that she has any influence over Pakistanis or if Pakistanis would react to it, the movement and the voices already exist, something many outside of Pakistan are not aware of I suppose.

Essentially Talibans have invoked the people, as I had hoped, who typically are a silent majority. Although this is just the beginning but the frustrated educated and sensible people of Pakistan who mostly stay quiet and not show their emotions finally had it and are coming out on the streets. Here is a little show of what’s going on as reported by CNN. CLICK HERE to see the report.

Taking on the Taliban 3:02
Moderates, writers, intellectuals and musicians struggle against the Taliban in Pakistan. CNN’s Ivan Watson reports.

Today General David Patraeus commander of U.S. Central Command has said that the next two weeks are critical to determining whether the Pakistani government will survive.

“The Pakistanis have run out of excuses” and are “finally getting serious” about combating the threat from Taliban and Al Qaeda extremists operating out of Northwest Pakistan, the general added.

Recent comments by the U.S. President Obama during his presidency’s 100th day press conference pretty much threw President of Pakistan under the bus while propping up Pakistan Army.

It appears that Obama Administration is getting increasingly frustrated with Pakistan Government’s casual business under current circumstances while hoping for Army to get involved directly to curb the Taliban problem. Seems like the foreign governments are more concerned about Pakistani people than its own government.

Regardless of what the U.S. thinks, I personally am getting frustrated with the current Pakistan Government myself. I am not a big fan of top level personalities but was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and for them to prove to me and people like me wrong – what could have been a breath of fresh air. But it is increasingly apparent that my wishful thinking and fake optimism is about  to dissipate, although not surprising.

Pakistan Government’s inaction and its lack of effort to take its people under confidence is utterly pathetic. People of Pakistan seem to have waken up and are coming out on the streets against Taliban and governments inaction. The problem is not just Talibans but it is multi facetted and complex – but none discussed publicly?

The talking heads, especially the political party leaders and the members are coming on Pakistani TV channels regularly discussing the problems, conspiracies, laying blame here and there and whining. I yet have to see any one of them offer up a solution or government’s plans to rid us of this spiraling chaos. Aren’t they part of the government? Shouldn’t they be talking about this among themselves in the National Assembly and proposing some fixes etc. Why are they bitching about this on the media? Why why?

Also I have noticed that the TV hosts especially on GEO TV seem to find comfort from what people outside of the country and non-Pakistanis have something positive to say about Pakistan? What the hell?

Anyway, I am getting more and more convinced that something is about to happen in Pakistan pretty soon as far as the government is concerned. Zardari’s coming U.S.visit will probably set the stage, he’d probably be asked to step aside and let the Army come in and take over, or something of the sort.

If the civilian or “democratic” governments of Pakistan, whether past or present, were strong enough and had any influence over the federation, I am all for it. I do not think Pakistan Army should be in the business of running political affairs of the country. But then again the civilian governments don’t leave me with any choice or any reason for not to support the Army’s interference. This is a discussion for another day… and shall be discussed!

To me it appears that another Military Coup against the Government of Pakistan is in the making right now. US’ Admiral Mullen’s frequent visits, Taliban problem and Pakistan Army’s reluctance to engage with Taliban are all signs of setting the incumbent government up for failure and an excuse for Military takeover.

CNN’s Barbara Star is inferring the same from after talking to Admiral Mullen who has been visiting Pakistan frequently recently and other developing situations in the region and within Pakistan. Has the current Pakistani government reached its height of incompetence in addressing Pakistan’s major issues?

If the new Military coup occurs, I am pretty sure it will be attributed to Zardari’s failed government and internal party revolt and rift culminating to playing dirty with the opposition, especially the Chief Justice issue and Sharif brothers. I think the writing is on the wall right now and the current situation vouches for a drastic change, yet again. In hind site, Zardari’s government has been governing with an iron hand, nothing different from supposed military style. I rather have Army’s government in this case. Too bad People’s Party of Pakistan has been hijacked by this incompetent feudal person.

Military might install a favorable government instead of a full on coup. Is Musharraf in the picture? Right now it’s a wait and see moment. What do you think?